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SignalGrab is a machine-learning-powered mobile app that audibly alerts you of the traffic signals ahead. All you need to do is mount your phone on the dashboard of your car, press one button, and SignalGrab does the rest.
SignalGrab uses image recognition AI techniques and a phone camera to create real-time traffic signal identifications during the night. This enables SignalGrab to be accurate, robust, and adaptable. SignalGrab is the perfect tool to help you drive.

SignalGrab works in diverse locations, weather and lighting conditions, and vehicles. It provides audible alerts so you don't need to look at your phone. If you have a car-play feature in your car, SignalGrab can work alongside other apps like maps and music.

SignalGrab was created by Bora Mandic in 2023 as a science project. Through his project, Bora learned that many colorblind people have trouble recognizing traffic signals. In fact, between 50 and 70 percent of all colorblind people struggle with traffic signal recognition. In the US alone, that's over 7 million people! During the day, drivers can memorize the positions of the lights on the frame, but at night, the frame is obscured by the dark, forcing drivers to use other risky context clues to determine whether it's safe for them to stop or go. No one should feel unsafe while driving, and that's where SignalGrab comes in. To our knowledge, SignalGrab is the first product on the market to help colorblind people with night driving.

SignalGrab has received international recognition for its technology.
2024 Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) 4th place in the world in the Microsoft-sponsored Systems Software category
2024 Minnesota Cup division winner
2024 DoD sponsored Tri-State Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS) 1st place, National JSHS Oral Presenter (Top 2/5 of competition)​
2023 Mayo Clinic sponsored Walleye Tank division runner-up
State Science Fair: Minnesota Academy of Science Gold Award (Top 5% of state science fair projects), Gateway Fiber Data Visionary Award, Minnesota Academy of Science Coding Award, 3M Science Applied to Life Award 2nd place​​
Regional Science Fair: Regeneron ISEF finalist, first place ribbon for paper, first place ribbon for project